"Green" residential quarters "Skolkovo” have won Green Awards 2015
Residential quarters of 9, 10, 11 districts of D2 "Science and Technology Park" of the innovative center "Skolkovo" have won the 1st place in the nomination "Housing construction. Low rise complexes" in the VI All-Russian competition on ecological development and energy efficiency of Green Awards 2015.
The projects presented in the competition Green Awards passed an assessment according to the professional GREEN ZOOM standard. The jury estimated objects in parameters of energy efficiency, environmental friendliness, and introduction of construction innovations. The 1st place in the nomination "Housing construction. Low rise complexes" has been received by the project of residential quarters 9, 10, 11 of the innovative center "Skolkovo", the 2nd has been won by the cottage settlement "Domodedovo Town", the 3rd place by RC "Biography".
Residential quarters 9, 10, 11 are under construction for scientists, residents of "Skolkovo". ODAS "Skolkovo" acts as the customer of the project; the construction of quarters is conducted by the Russian company RD Construction (it is a member of RD Group holding), it acts as a general contractor. Each of quarters is designed by the individual architectural bureau chosen according to the open competition: "BRT RUS" (9th quarter), UNK project (10th quarter), Agence d'Architecture A. Bechu (11th quarter). The total area of the object makes 50 000 sq. m. RD Construction started implementation of the project in March, 2015 and will finish the construction in a short time till the end of the year.
Yuliy Borisov: "In our project we sought to place emphasis on active application of the latest ecological technologies. Artificial division of the relief into private and public zones allowed to use the lot twice and to reduce emission of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Buildings are energy –efficient as much as it’s possible: motion sensors and managements of light are used; the bathroom fitment saving water is established; rainwater catchment is provided; glassworks have the protective dusting interfering loss of heat. In each house the possibility of installation of solar batteries is provided".